Friday, February 22, 2013

PFT Machines, Spirometers, spirometry

Article about Spirometry, spirometers, and pft machines.
Spirometry is used for the following reasons:

to diagnose or manage asthma
to detect respiratory disease in patients presenting with symptoms of breathlessness, and to distinguish respiratory from cardiac disease as the cause
to measure bronchial responsiveness in patients suspected of having asthma
to diagnose and differentiate between obstructive lung disease and restrictive lung disease
to follow the natural history of disease in respiratory conditions
to assess of impairment from occupational asthma
to identify those at risk from pulmonary barotrauma while scuba diving
to conduct pre-operative risk assessment before anaesthesia or cardiothoracic surgery
to measure response to treatment of conditions which spirometry detects

Electronic spirometers have been developed that compute airflow rates in a channel without the need for fine meshes or moving parts. They operate by measuring the speed of the airflow with techniques such as ultrasonic transducers, or by measuring pressure difference in the channel. These spirometers have greater accuracy by eliminating the momentum and resistance errors associated with moving parts such as windmills or flow valves for flow measurement. They also allow improved hygiene between patients by allowing fully disposable air flow channels.

Discount Cardiology is one of the largest distributors of Spirometers, computer and PC based Spirometers, Portable Spirometers, Welch Allyn Spirometers, Micro Spirometers, diagnostic spirometers and spirometers for spot checking. A spirometer is an apparatus for measuring the volume of air inspired and expired by the lungs. It is a precision differential pressure transducer for the measurements of respiration flow rates. The spirometer records the amount of air and the rate of air that is breathed in and out over a specified period. Spirometry is also known as a pulmonary function test pr PFT.
Spirometry is one of today's most accepted and beneficial diagnostic medical tests. In fact, the utilization of spirometry in the clinical setting is so important, it is recommended in the current practice guidelines for both asthma and COPD.
Discount Cardiology carries a large selection of Spirometers from different brands like Brentwood / Midmark, CardioTech, Micro Medical, Midmark, MIR, NDD Medical Technologies, Nellcor, QRS, Schiller, SDI, Viasys. Discount Cardiology is one of the few remaining companies with a stock of Renaissance II Spirometers! Wealso stock spirometer mouthpieces, turbines, spirettes, flow sensors

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